North Texas Bullmastiffs​

Puppy Contract
This guarantee is to protect both the buyer and the seller.
We take great pride,care and pleasure in sending you a happy healthy puppy. Your puppy will be in good health as far as the seller knows. All of our puppies have been seen buy a licensed vet several times before you purchase him/her. Puppy will also be seen by a licensed vet prior to the pick up of your puppy or the puppy is shipped. Feel free to contact us at any time about your puppy or as an adult. We love to hear from people that have purchased are puppies. We gladly provide phone and e-mail support for the life of your pet. If for any reason at any time you are unable to care for him/her, he or she is welcome back to our house.
North Texas Bullmastiffs guarantees the health of all puppies sold for 1 (one) year after date of birth, 2 years on severe hip displaysia. If puppy is diagnosed with a life threatening or life altering congenital disorder we will replace the puppy with one of equal value at such time when one is available. For owner to receive a replacement puppy the sick puppy must be returned to North Texas Bullmastiffs at owners expense accompanied by AKC papers or other registration papers and a written vet statement describing the health condition.
Disorders covered under this contract include , severe hip dysplasia, kidney, heart, liver and spine conditions that severely limit or alter the life of the puppy or dog.
If puppy dies a replacement will be offered provided the owner sends North Texas Bullmastiffs a autopsy report from a licensed vet stating a congenital defect caused the death. At no time do we refund money, pay vet bills or transportation.
This guarantee does not cover , common conditions such as entropion, loose hips, stenotic nares,skin allergies, worms or bacterial infections.
This guarantee also does not cover if the puppy is injured by accident,neglect,abuse or if problems arise due to breeding. Owner also agrees to provide the puppy with preventive care,including but not limited to de-wormings, vaccines, heart-worm treatment, and vet checks. Owner agrees to never chain the puppy or dog and to give the puppy or dog adequate living conditions and a healthy diet.
In order for the health guarantee to remain valid owner must take the puppy to a licensed vet within 72 hours of receiving the puppy and mail a copy of the vet statement back to North Texas Bullmastiffs. For health guarantee to remain valid owner must keep puppy up to date on all vaccines including but not limited to rabies, parvo and distemper.
If animal is sold, transferred , or given away the health guarantee will be void.
Any legal action is to take place in Johnson County, Texas.
2 Fawn Girls Availabe from Rip x Birdie